In January of 2001, 9 months before the 9-11 attacks, a well known economist and political figure with worldwide intelligence connections issued the following prediction:

"A new Middle East war of the general type and implications indicated, will occur if certain specified incidents materialize. It will occur only if the combination of the Israeli government and certain Anglo-American circles wish to have it occur. If they should wish it to occur, the incidents to "explain" that occurrence, will be arranged." "Contrary to widespread childish opinion, most of the important things that happen in the world, happen because powerful forces intend them to happen, not because of some so-called "sociological" or other statistical coincidence of the types reported for the popular edification of the easily deluded. A new Middle East war, bigger than any yet seen, is inevitable under presently reigning global influences." 178

The man who made that prediction is the perpetual presidential "wannabe" Lyndon Larouche. Now Larouche may be a cult like figure with some really weird interpretations of history, but his intelligence contacts are legitimate and many of his political and economic forecasts have been accurate in the past. Considering all the history and recent events reviewed in this paper, and the logical conclusions which they lead us to, the above prediction was "right on the money."

The Zionists (and also Anglo-American Internationalist interests) do not conceal their desire for World War III, with American troops doing dying. They pulled off 9-11, turned us into Arab hating fanatics, put an American flag in our hands, and are marching us off to die for Zionism. Just read what Ra'anan Gissin - a senior adviser to and spokesman for Ariel "the Butcher" Sharon - said in an interview with the Arizona Daily Star in April of 2002:

"The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle East point to one thing - World War III. We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether they like it or not. I'm sure." 179

Here's another warmongering, inflammatory quote from Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, urging the US to attack Iraq:

Attacking Iraq now would be "quite dangerous, but postponing it would be more dangerous. The problem today is not if but when." 180

And here's another warmongering quote from an editorial that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamim Netanyahu wrote for the New York Post headlined "Today We are All Americans":

"What is at stake today is nothing less than the survival of civilization.... I have absolute confidence that if we, the citizens of the free world, led by President Bush, will marshal the enormous reserves of power at our disposal, harness the steely resolve of a free people and mobilize our collective will to eradicate this evil from the face of the earth.... The international terrorist network is thus based on regimes - Iran, Iraq, Syria, Taleban Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority and several other Arab regimes such as the Sudan. For the bin Ladens of the world, Israel is merely a sideshow. America is the target" 181

Note the ominous similarity between Netanyahu's lies and the first words that Sivan Kurzberg - one of the dancing Israeli "movers" - spoke to arresting police officer on 9-11:

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." 182

Recall Netanyahu's September 11 comment about the attacks being "very good" for Israeli-US relations. The title of the New York Times article which carried that comment was: "Spilled Blood is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer." 183

Ariel Sharon used the same "linking tactic" in a speech before the notoriously defamatory, Zionist Anti-Defamation League:

"There is a moral equivalency and direct connection between America's continuous operations against al Qaeda in Afghanistan and any other Israel Defense Forces operation to defeat terrorism," Sharon said in a speech Monday to the Anti-Defamation League. "They are acts of self-defense against the same forces of evil and darkness bent on destroying civilized society." 184

Notice how Sharon, Netanyahu, the Israeli "movers", and the totally Zionist dominated New York Times and New York Post all used the same strategic tactic of linking the interests of the US with the interests of Israel. The same ploy was utilized in the anthrax letters: "Death to America! Death to Israel!". Do see how these evil Zionist bastards play the game? They turn their enemies into our enemies while pretending to be our "allies". They laugh and celebrate as 1000's of innocent Americans are burned and crushed to death. And when someone dares to shine the light of truth upon them, they label you an "anti-Semite"! Can you not see that we've been played for fools?

Behold this bit of bold hypocrisy by American Jewish Congress President Jack Rosen:

"I don't think Palestinians celebrating the death of thousands of Americans should go unchallenged." 185

Is that so Jack? What about the Israelis who celebrated the death of thousands of Americans. Why haven't you challenged that?

Now read this quote from the Prince of Darkness himself - Pentagon big shot and Zionist fanatic Richard Perle:

"Neither the president nor the British Prime Minister will be deflected by Saddam's diplomatic charm offensive, the feckless moralizing of 'peace' lobbies or the unsolicited advice of retired generals." 186

Perle not only lays down the policy line for Bush, but apparently for British Prime Minister Tony Blair as well. And note how casually he dismissed the sound advice of those retired generals who warned that a war against Iraq was unnecessary. But what does Perle care! His kids won't be dying. As always, it will only be the children of the flag waving masses, which Perle and his Zionist brothers and sisters see as nothing more than cannon fodder for Zionism, who will do the fighting and killing. What threat did Iraq ever pose to the US? None! Iraq, and other Arab nations, are to be crushed so that Israel can have a freer hand to expand in the Middle East.

It appears that George Bush goes along with the wishes of these Zionist gangsters for his own political protection and/or advancement, but it is unclear as to what extant he is truly in agreement with them. Bush and Cheney may even be under a some form of blackmail. But they also represent oil interests and the Caspian Sea area is rich in oil and minerals. Plans have been in the works for years to build pipelines to take the oil from the Caspian, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then out to sea. The "oil angle" may be a secondary contributing factor behind the "War on Terrorism", one much nearer to the hearts of Bush/Cheney than the cause of Zionism.

It is clear from just the well publicized information that the president had at least some type of knowledge that a major attack was coming. Do you remember Bush’s strange behavior when he was first told of the attacks? He was reading to a group of Florida school children when his Chief of Staff Andy Card whispered the news of the second tower being hit in New York. Instead of just calmly excusing himself and apologizing to the kids for having to leave suddenly, Bush quickly shifted his eyes at the camera, turned somber, and then returned to reading for another 15 minutes! 187

Our major cities were under attack, 1000’s of his countrymen were burning or jumping to their deaths on live TV, and more planes were still unaccounted for. Yet Bush just sat there with a stupid look on his face and then went back to reading a story about a goat. Is this the reaction of a man who was truly surprised by these horrible attacks? Or is this more indicative of the reaction of a guilty person who, like FDR just before Pearl Harbor, was expecting an attack and therefore was not surprised? 188

There is one more interesting coincidence worth mentioning. During the whole time that these terror attacks were expected, Bush was out of Washington DC on what the media had dubbed "the longest vacation in presidential history." Time Magazine of August 5, 2002 explains:

"Getting ready for a vacation can be so hectic. It certainly was for George W. Bush last week. While Laura Bush left the White House early to get the ranch in Crawford, Texas, ready for a month-long holiday (one of the longest in presidential history), the President rushed through some last-minute errands." 189

Bush was in Texas for the entire month of August, returned to the White House briefly, then left again and ended up in a Florida classroom on September 11. (What a tough job eh?) Is this of any significance? Well, I don’t know about you, but if I had the kind of intelligence network and advance warning that we know certain people had- and surely a sitting US president would also have had- I would not have been in Washington DC on 9-11 either!

There are many politicians and journalists in America who "carry the Zionist’s water" for them only because they are careerists who understand very well from whence their bread is buttered. My suspicion is that if Bush doesn't deliver a war against Iraq, and then WW III against other Arab states, Joe Lieberman may be installed as president in 2004, with McCain running as an independent to draw votes away from Bush. Will Bush, like Wilson in WW I, and FDR in WW II, go all the way and deliver WW III to the Zionist Mafia? At the time of this writing it does appear that way. But if Bush should hesitate (like his father did in 1991) to "go all the way", the Zionist Mafia will try to replace him with Lieberman in 2004.

Iraq knows who is behind the planned attack on their nation. In an interview with CBS’s Dan Rather, Aziz accused the Zionists:

"This war which the Bush government is a planning does not serve the basic interest in the long run of the American nation. It serves the imperialistic interest of Israel and the Zionist groups who have now a great say in the American policy." 190

How sadly ironic it is that the Arabs know that the Zionist Mafia dominates America but the American people are oblivious to it. But who will tell the American people if the Zionists dominate the media too?

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