We talked at length about the five Israeli "movers", i.e. Mossad agents, who were arrested and placed in solitary confinement after they were caught celebrating the 9-11 horror show. We also reviewed how the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems - Dominick Suter - then suddenly abandoned his "moving company" and fled for Israel on 9-14. But there were still more Israeli "movers" in America whose actions raise serious suspicions.

In October of 2001, three more Israeli "movers" were stopped in Plymouth, PA because of their suspicious behavior. These "movers" were seen dumping furniture near a restaurant dumpster! When the restaurant manager approached the driver, a "Middle Eastern" man later identified as Moshe Elmakias fled the scene. 151 The manager made note of the truck's sign which read "Moving Systems Incorporated" and called the police. When the police spotted the truck, two other Israelis - Ayelet Reisler and Ron Katar began acting suspiciously.152 The Plymouth police searched the truck and found a video. The Israelis were taken into custody and the video tape was played at the police station. The video revealed footage of Chicago with zoomed in shots of the Sears Tower. 153 The police quickly alerted the FBI and it was also discovered that the Israelis had falsified travel logs and phony paperwork on them.154 They were also unable to provide a name and telephone number for the customer that they claimed to have been working for. These Israelis were up to some sort of dirty business, and you can be sure it had nothing to do with moving furniture.

On October 10, 2001, CNN made a brief mention of a foiled terrorist bomb plot in the Mexican Parliament building. They promised to bring any further developments of this story to their viewers, but the incident was never heard of again in America. But the story appeared in bold headlines on the front page of the major Mexican newspapers 155 and was also posted on the official website of the Mexican Justice Department. 156 Two terrorist suspects were apprehended in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. Caught red-handed, they had in their possession a high powered gun, nine hand grenades, and C-4 plastic explosives (great stuff for demolishing buildings!) 157 Within days, this blockbuster story not only disappeared from the Mexican press, but the terrorists were released and deported! The two terrorists were Salvador Gerson Sunke and Sar ben Zui. Can you guess what their ethnicity was? Gerson Sunke was a Mexican jew and Zui was a colonel with the Israeli special forces. 158 Can you say "Mossad?" The story in El Diario de Mexico went on to reveal that the Zionist terrorists had fake Pakistani passports on them. 159 Can you say "false flag operation?" The probable motive of this particular botched terrorist operation was to involve oil rich Mexico in the "War on Terrorism" (The War on Israel's enemies would be a more accurate description). Mexico is no military power, but the psychological trauma of an "Arab" attack on Mexico would surely have induced Mexico to provide unlimited cheap oil to her American "protector". With cheap oil flowing to America at rock bottom prices from Mexico, the US could better afford to break off relations with the oil rich Arabs in general and Saudi Arabia in particular. That‘s why the conspiracy chose so many Saudi identities to steal for the 9-11 operation..

In November of 2001, 6 more suspicious Israelis were detained in an unspecified mid-eastern state. They had in their possession box cutters, oil pipeline plans, and nuclear power plant plans. 160 The local police called in the Feds and Immigration officials took over the scene and released the men without calling the FBI. The Jerusalem Post, 161 the Miami Herald, 162 and the Times of London 163 all carried this amazing story and all revealed how furious FBI officials were that these suspects with nuclear power plant plans were allowed to go free. Of course, the corruption riddled FBI would only have caved into Zionist pressure from the Justice Department’s Criminal Division boss, Michael Chertoff, and also from the ADL’s "partner", FBI boss Robert Mueller - who would no doubt have found a way to release those Israeli terror suspects too.

In December of 2001, the Los Angeles Times published the story of how two jewish terrorists were arrested by the FBI for plotting to blow up the office of US Congressman of Arab descent - Darrell Issa (R-CA), and also a California mosque. 164 Irv Rubin and Earl Kruger of the radical Zionist Jewish Defense League (JDL) were charged with conspiracy to destroy a building by means of explosives. This story got brief national coverage but quickly disappeared too. These Zionists sure love blowing up buildings and killing innocent people don't they?

In May of 2002, yet another moving van was pulled over in Oak Harbor, Washington near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. Fox News reported that the van was pulled over for speeding shortly after midnight. The passengers told the police they were delivering furniture, but because it was so late at night, the police weren't buying the story. A bomb sniffing dog was brought in and the dog detected the presence of TNT and RDX plastic explosives in the truck (great stuff for demolishing buildings!) Both Fox News 165 and the Ha'aretz newspaper of Israel 166 Reported that the two "movers" were Israelis.

According to FOX news, throughout late 2000 and 2001, a total of 200 Israeli spies were arrested. 167 It was the largest spy ring to be uncovered in the history of the US. The Washington Post also reported that some of these Israelis were arrested in connection with the 9-11 investigation. 168 US. Carl Cameron of FOX News Channel did a excellent four part, nationally televised, series of investigations into this blockbuster scandal. But FOX pulled the investigative series after Zionist groups complained to FOX executives. FOX even went so far as to remove the written transcripts of the series from its website! In it’s place was posted a chilling, Orwellian message which reads: "This story no longer exists." 169 Fortunately for the sake of history, the FOX transcripts were copied onto to many other websites and all four parts are available for your review. (see footnotes.)

The FOX series and other mainstream news media sources revealed that many of these Israelis were army veterans with electronics and explosives expertise. Many of them failed lie detector tests. FBI agents told FOX that some of their past investigations were compromised because suspects had been tipped off by Israeli wiretapping specialists. It was discovered that Israeli companies such as Comverse and Amdocs have the capability to tap American telephones (great for blackmailing all those wife-cheating politicians!) FBI agents also told FOX they believed the Israelis had advance knowledge of the 9-11 attacks. (which certainly would explain why no Israelis died in the WTC) Still another US official informed FOX that some of the detained Israelis actually had links to 9-11, but he refused to describe the nature of those links. The FBI official told FOX's Carl Cameron:

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about the evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information." 170

Then there was that small army of Israeli "art students" who were arrested for trying to sneak into secured US Federal buildings and staking out 36 Department of Defense sites. Some of these suspicious "art students" even showed up at the homes of Federal employees. 171 Ron Hatchett, a Department of Defense analyst, told Channel 11, KHOU news in Houston that he believed that the "art students" were gathering intelligence for future attacks. Here’s an excerpt from the October 1, 2001 KHOU investigative report by Anna Werner:

"Could federal buildings in Houston and other cities be under surveillance by foreign groups? That's what some experts are asking after federal law enforcement and security officials - nationally and in Houston - described for the 11 News Defenders a curious pattern of behavior by a group of people claiming to be Israeli art students."

"Hatchett says they could be doing what he would be doing if he were a terrorist, sizing up the situation: "We need to know what are the entrances to this particular building. We need to know what are the surveillance cameras that are operating. We need to know how many guards are at this operation, when do they take breaks?" Says Hatchett: "This is not a bunch of kids selling artwork."

"A former Defense Department analyst, Hatchett believes groups may be gathering intelligence for possible future attacks. "Some organization, thinking in terms of a potential retaliation against the U.S. government could be scouting out potential targets and looking for targets that would be vulnerable."

And a source tells the Defenders of another federal memo, stating that besides Houston and Dallas, the same thing has happened at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, and even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites. "One defense site you can explain," says Hatchett, "well that was just a serendipitous, …….. Thirty-six? That's a pattern." 172

A Federal memo stated that these art students may have had ties to an "Islamic terror group". 173 Remember the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, and how the "Arab terrorists" were actually Irgun terrorists? Remember the Zionist terrorists caught in Mexico with Arab passports? remember the official motto of the Mossad - By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War. Are you getting the picture? Can you say "false flag operations."?

Before his excellent work was silenced, FOX's Cameron reported this amazing bit of information:

"Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told FOX News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying is considered career suicide ." 174 (emphasis added)

Did you catch that? If an investigator dares to mention Israeli spying, he has committed career suicide! And if a journalist like FOX's Cameron dares to bring this scandal to light, he is told to shut his mouth. If they persist, they may even be called "anti-Semitic" - a label which has served as the kiss of death for many a journalistic and political career. This means that Zionist Mafia can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, and however it wants - including orchestrating, financing, executing, and covering up the true story of events in the Middle East, the 9-11 massacre, and the ensuing "War on Terrorism" (war on Israel's enemies).

Now do you remember the Mossad's "warning" about the 200 "Al-Qaeda terrorists" said to have been preparing major attacks in the US? 175 At the time of this writing, we are one year into the largest investigation in American history, and not one of these 200 "terrorists" has yet to be uncovered. 176 But 200 Israeli spies were uncovered, among them many military members, electronics experts, wiretapping and phone tapping specialists, and explosives experts with the skill to bring down tall buildings. 177 Logic and common sense leads to the conclusion that the "200 Al Qaeda terrorists" were in reality, 200 Zionist terrorists sent to frame the Arabs for terrorist attacks and drag America into a war. History repeats itself. But who will teach this history to the American people when the Zionists control the information industry? The Zionist Mafia and their ass-kissing careerist henchmen in media, government, academia, and business have all of the bases covered.

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