These agents were either ignored, threatened, or fired.
The FBI's field agents are "the good guys". It's the ass kissing, spineless careerists at the top who have corrupted the agency. In the critical weeks and months leading up to that fateful day, numerous clues were picked up by loyal FBI field agents. Some of these agents were so alarmed at what they thought was an unfolding terror plot, that they tried to convince their superiors to investigate deeper.

Each of these FBI agents thought that they were on the trail of an Arab terror plot and unless they've read this paper, they probably still believe so. We can forgive them their ignorance if they haven't realized yet that the trail they were on was not that of Arab terrorists, but rather Mossad agents impersonating Arab terrorists. (much more on that later!) The essential point is that these agents were on  to something big that someone didn't want them to digging into.

There is FBI Special Agent Robert Wright. The public interest law firm Judicial Watch is representing agent Wright. Wright claims that he was met with retaliation and threats from his bosses and from the Justice Department who told him they wanted his probes to go no further. 124 Wright maintains that if his investigation had been allowed to continue, the attacks could have been prevented.

There is FBI agent Coleen Rowley. The gutsy Rowley wrote a 13 page letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller in which she actually accuses the director of her own agency of "a subtle skewing of the facts". 125 Rowley's letter also charged that the agency refused to react to evidence of a pending terror plot. According to Rowley the FBI's obstruction was so blatant that her and some of her fellow agents jokingly speculated that key FBI personnel must have been moles working for Osama Bin laden! 126 Rowley’s main point of contention was the agency’s failure to go after Zacharias Moussoui, the "20th hijacker", even after his flight school instructor reported his suspicious behavior to the FBI. Moussoui you will recall was the French Algerian who couldn’t speak French to his flight school instructor.

There is FBI agent Sibel Edmonds. Edmunds was an FBI wiretap translator. She claims that another FBI translator was working for the Mossad and that the Mossad also tried to recruit Edmonds to make phony translations for the purpose of misdirecting investigations. When agent Edmonds refused, the Mossad threatened her safety! 127 When she brought these allegations to the attention of her superiors, she was fired for being "disruptive". The Washington Post briefly reported this story without mentioning the name of nation that tried to recruit Edmonds. But The Post did reveal that Edmonds and the other translator "trace their ethnicity" to this certain "Middle Eastern" country. 128 Agent Sibel Edmunds is not an Arab. Edmonds is jewish. Therefore we know that the "Middle Eastern" nation which the Post chose not to name is Israel. (No big surprise there!) Sibel Edmonds deserves a lot of credit for defying the Mossad and blowing the whistle to her superiors. Instead, she was fired for her patriotic efforts, proving once again that Zionists are willing to hurt innocent jews.

There is FBI agent John M. Cole, program manager for FBI intelligence investigations covering India, Pakistan, and Afgahinstan. In the same Washington Post story about Edmunds, it was reported that Cole also wrote a letter to FBI chief Mueller warning him about lax security procedures in the hiring of translators. 129

Dedicated agents such as Wright, Rowley, Cole, Edmonds and others who have spoken anonymously, had to be stopped from going after "Muslim terrorists". If not so obstructed, they would in time come to discover that they weren’t really Al Qaeda terrorists!! Not only were investigations blocked before 9-11, but they continue to be blocked after 9-11. The cover up is so blatant that members of both the House and Senate Intelligence committees complains directly to CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft. The Los Angeles Times reported:

"Lawmakers leading the investigation of intelligence failures surrounding the 9-11 attacks are increasingly concerned that the CIA and Justice department are actively impeding their efforts....The flare up centers on obstacles congressional investigators say the agencies have strewn in their path." 130

That's exactly what FBI agents Wright, Rowley, Edmunds, and Cole said happened to them when they tried to investigate before the attacks! By the way, did I mention that the FBI is under the jurisdiction of yet another Zionist named Michael Chertoff? Chertoff is the Director of the Criminal Division of the US Justice Department. FBI chief Robert Mueller has to answer to Chertoff. Perhaps that explains Mueller’s highly pathetic, and highly revealing, speech before the Anti Defamation League’s 24th Annual National Leadership Conference held in May of 2002:

"I have long admired and respected the work of ADL, and I appreciate your longstanding support of the FBI. I know that under my predecessor, Louis Freeh, this partnership reached new heights. . . . I am absolutely committed to building on that relationship. We in the FBI tremendously value your perspectives and your partnership. Your insights and research into extremism are particularly helpful to us, shedding light on the changing nature of the terrorist threats facing America. Your support of hate crime and terrorist investigations, which are now front and center in the work of the FBI, is essential to us. And the training and education you provide for the FBI and for law enforcement have never been more relevant. That includes the conference on extremist and terrorist threats you are sponsoring later this month at the FBI Academy." 131

Just shoot me now! The FBI is in "partnership" with the Zionist ADL and relies upon this criminal smear group for "insights and research", and "education and training!" Didn’t anyone ever tell FBI chief Mueller that when the FBI raided the California offices of the ADL in 1993, they found that the ADL had computerized files on nearly 10,000 people across the country, and that more than 75 percent of the information had been illegally obtained from police, FBI files and state drivers license data banks? 132 Isn’t Mueller aware that the San Francisco Superior Court awarded $150,000 in court judgments against the Anti-Defamation League in connection with this FBI bust? 133

What other group in America could get away with not only stealing FBI files (a Federal offense!!!), but then becoming "partners" with the FBI? So why would FBI Director Mueller disregard the fact that the ADL is a criminal group that was caught spying on US citizens by his own FBI? Why does Mueller ignore the "insights" of his own agents while thanking the criminal ADL for it’s "advice"? It’s because Mueller and his kind are empty, career minded "yes men" who understand that it doesn’t pay to defy the Zionist Mafia. Ass-kissers like Mueller get promoted. Honest agents like Wright, Rowley, Edmonds and Cole go nowhere fast!

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