Within minutes after the attack, a parade of politicians and "terrorism experts" appeared on every TV channel all claiming that the attacks were the work of Osama Bin Laden. The Bush administration claimed that it had evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks which it would release to the public in a matter of days. They never did. Just like they never provided any evidence that he blew up the US embassies in Africa in 1997. 

The entire case against Osama Bin Laden was based on nothing but the repeated claim that he was the culprit for the embassy bombings and for 9-11. Demands were placed upon the Taleban government of Afghanistan turn Bin Laden over to the US or face an attack (we established earlier that US military action had already been planned since June). 116A ,116B 

The Taleban offered to turn Bin Laden over to a neutral party if the US provided any evidence to them that he had anything to do with the 1997 US African embassy bombings or the 9-11 attacks. The evidence was never presented to the Taleban for two reasons:
  1. There was never any evidence, not even circumstantial
  2. The war to replace the Taleban with a US puppet government was already in motion. The 9-11 attacks served as the perfect excuse, the "incident" to win the support of the American people and kick off the war.
Three months after the attacks, and with the bombing of Afghani peasants in full swing, the US had still not provided one shred of evidence to link Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda "network" to 9-11. People in foreign countries were beginning to ask questions. Then one day, the Pentagon claimed that some unnamed source found a video tape in Afghanistan. The Bush gang began dropping hints in the media that this video shows Osama Bin Laden bragging and admitting his role in the attacks. How convenient! And how improbable. The "mastermind" of 9-11, who was so brilliant that he pulled off 9-11 without being detected, was careless enough to leave a "confession video" laying around to be discovered by the US!

The video was shown on the news with English subtitles. Bin Laden's voice was so barely audible that even viewers in Arab nations had to rely on the Pentagon’s translated subtitles! An obedient American (Zionist) news media accepted the Pentagon story and translation without question. A few Arab media whores were even trotted out to vouch for the tape’s authenticity. Aha! This is the "smoking gun" they assured us. But this too is another vicious lie.

On December 20, 2001, the German TV show Monitor (the "60 Minutes of Germany") found the translation of the "confession" video to be not only "inaccurate", but even "manipulative". 117 Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini and Professor Gernot Rotter made an independent translation and accused the White House translators of "writing a lot of things that they wanted to hear but cannot be heard on the tape no matter how many times you listen to it." 118

Even more compelling than the revelations of the European press are the actual images of the "confession video". Every photo previously taken of Osama Bin laden shows gaunt facial features and a long thin nose. The Pentagon video of Bin Laden clearly shows a man with full facial features and a wide nose. Examine the pictures side-by-side for yourself if you don't believe it. The differences in facial features will jump right out at you. 119

Would the Pentagon leadership be capable of such deception? Why not?! They were capable of allowing 9-11 to happen weren't they? The Pentagon itself has even admitted the existence of a special department established for the purpose of planting false stories in the media in order to carry out strategic objectives. The very Zionist and very pro-war New York Times broke a story in February 2002 which revealed that the Pentagon has plans to deliberately provide false stories to the press as part of an effort to influence policy. The Pentagon set up the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) for this purpose. 

A Zionist Air Force General named Simon P. Worden was chosen to head this criminal effort. 120 Worden's boss is Douglass Feith, another dedicated Zionist who serves as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. How dedicated of a Zionist is Feith? The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) honored Feith and his father at an award dinner in 1999. So I’ll let ZOA’s 1997 press release you about Feith:

"This year's honorees will be Dalck Feith and Douglas J. Feith, the noted Jewish philanthropists and pro-Israel activists. Dalck Feith will receive the ZOA's special Centennial Award at the dinner, for his lifetime of service to Israel and the Jewish people. His son Douglas J. Feith, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, will receive the prestigious Louis D. Brandeis Award at the dinner." (121)- (Google usues enter: feith zionist organization award)

There you have it! The Zionist Air Force General who runs the Pentagon’s media disinformation department, reports directly to a Zionist Pentagon boss who was a recipient of the "prestigious" Louis Brandeis Award. Brandeis, a former Supreme Court judge, was one of the key Zionist powerbrokers who helped influence Woodrow Wilson into joining World War I as part of the Zionist-British Balfour deal we learned about earlier.

One year has passed since the 9-11 attacks and the FBI has not uncovered any Al Qaeda cells in the United States nor has it found any paper trail. The London Times reported:

"Thousands of FBI agents have rounded up more than 1,300 suspects across America since September 11, but they have failed to find a single Al-Qaeda cell operating in the United States...Tom Ridge, Director of Homeland Security could not explain why none had been caught." 122

In April of 2002, FBI director Robert Mueller - the same Robert Mueller who admitted that several hijacker identities were in doubt due to identity thefts- made this stunning announcement:

"In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." 123

Predictably, Directors Ridge and Mueller attribute this total lack of any evidence to the skill of the Al - Qaeda "terrorist network". If you've read this far you should know better. The reason that the US has been unable to uncover a shred of evidence to link Al Qaeda to 9-11 is because....Al Qaeda didn't do it!

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